Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rapunzel Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair

  1. Visit the doctor's clinic
  2. Fix the bicycle
  3. Plan road trip

First off, I'm bored. I'm dead bored. I've been bumming around ALL day the past 2 days. Drifting in and out of sleep, drifting in and out of reality, drifting in and out of an alternate reality courtesy of Nora Roberts. There is just nothing to do! And I'm not complaining, really. I mean, this is all that I've been wanting to do during the school term, right? But no, my GoogleReader still isnt cleared, I'm not enjoying Nora Roberts as much as I'd like to, I dont feel like painting and worse of all, I dont seem to be interested in YouTube! There, I said it! I'm not falling out of love with video making, just... the community is getting kinda stoic, maybe.

Pardon my rant here. I'm assuming, hopefully rightfully, that no one reads this anymore. All day I'm just missing Darren. I miss him sooo much. This isnt like how we pictured our holidays to be like. He should be having the time of his life in the US and I should be eagerly awaiting his return while spending my holidays sweetly by catching up with old friends. But.. why isnt any of this happening? Expect the eagerly waiting part. That is happening enough, alright. Ok, but the thing is, our longing for each other is really kinda just... destructive, at worst. He's constantly wishing I'm there with him so I could see the things he see and we all know I wish it too, more than anyone else. I'm here pinning for him, having no mood to do anything else but picture his return where I'll run into his open arms and we'll be engulfed in the tightest embrace in the world. It makes me wonder what I did before him... In a short span of time, we've become so entwined in each other's life. And we love it. At the same time, we're afraid. We dont want our friends to start leaving us alone. So my mission to reconnect with old friends while he's gone, essentially failed. I'm not making any effort and my friends are too busy. For me. I'm suicidal. I'm leaking the gas. I'm tying the noose. I've got my gun out.

Just kidding, guys. If you do happen to be reading this- Call me. Before I admit myself into the asylum.

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