Monday, May 11, 2009

Quite simply, to be honest, you suck.

  1. Call the dentist
  2. Fix bicycle
  3. Plan roadtrip
Ready? O-K!

Today is a different day than yesterday is a different day than tomorrow! Yessssss. What's this mood shift shift back to good again? It's none other than the magic of you-know-who! Yup, just after a phone call and a few texts to and fro, I feel alive again! You have NO IDEA how that little boy can brighten up my mood in heartbeat. So yes! As much as I miss him to death still, according to mrs yip, "life go on" (in a chink accent, pls). Enough is enough! No more mopping around waiting for something to happen. Things still need to get done and life still has to be lived. WITH ZEST! I shant invest my time and effort on people who wont do the same for me no more. If you dont care then I dont care we're not going anywhere, whahaha avril in yo face. I'm not trying to be anything really. I'm just looking cool like that in my pikachu pajamas and weird haircut. I dont care if it's aesthetically pleasing to you or not but it pleases me. I'll just keep doing what I know I do best- LAUGHING, LOVING AND LIVING!

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